Saber Rattling in the Middle East…

Syrian army says ‘enemy’ rocket attacks strike at military basesĀ 

Tensions have risen dramatically between the two arch-enemies following the infiltration of an armed Iranian drone into northern Israel which the IDF claims was on a sabotage attack mission against the Jewish State. In mid-April, a strike on the T4 airbase in Homs province blamed on Israel killed seven IRGC soldiers, including Col. Mehdi Dehghan who led the drone unit operating out of the base. Reports later surfaced that advanced Iranian Air defenses had been the target of the strike.

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

This is what we know as of Monday. I tweeted last night that Israel may have used a tactical nuke. According to this report they didn’t. However, the attack was followed by an earthquake. This raises the question in my mind, how do regular rockets trigger an earthquake?
No matter, we’ll most likely never get a straight answer. However, the underlying importance is this. Iran has upwards of 80,000 troops north of the Syrian capital of Damascus. They have bases there and according to the article they may have been manufacturing rockets.
Iran is the sworn enemy of Israel and now with Trump threatening to re-work what I would call the worst deal in the history of the United States, brought to you by the Obummer administration, Iran is openly threatening Israel.
As we know, kings go to war in the spring. HAMAS continues its campaign of burning tires at the border and then trying to sneak suicide bombers into Israel. So much for the Oslo accords, so much for land for peace, so much for a two-state solution. The Arabs/Muslims/terrorists have only one goal, to wipe Israel off the map. End of story.
In the meantime, Israel is showing her teeth and she needs to do this for her survival.
It will be interesting to see what the response is…

In Other News.

The Caravan is ILLEGAL!
US says border crossing doesn’t have room for asylum seekers
What about illegal entry don’t these people and loony left get? I will be doing some interesting phone calls today and will post it up on my youtube channel. No other country would stand for this nonsense!


Disgusting “comic” at the Dinner.
  • ā€œJust a reminder to everyone: Iā€™m here to make jokes. I have no agenda. Iā€™m not trying to get anything accomplished. So, everyone who’s here from Congress, you should feel right at home.ā€
  • “I’m 32 years old, which is an odd age: 10 years too young to host this event, and 20 years too old for Roy Moore.ā€
  • “It’s 2018 and I’m a woman, so you cannot shut me up [applause] ā€” unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $130,000. Michael, you can find me on VimeoĀ under my porn-star name: Reince Priebus.”
  • “It is kind of crazy that the Trump campaign was in contact with Russia when the Hillary campaign wasnā€™t even in contact with Michigan.ā€
Then she went after white house press secretary Sarah Sanders and told jokes about abortion.
Her appearance was a graphic demonstration of how far we have gone as a society. This “comic” tore into our president, our morals, our way of life, and the sanctity of life. What a total looooser.

Get armed! Become aware! Share the film with your friends! Wake up those who are sleeping!


Toward the end of the film, I assembled clips ofĀ modern-day so-called sun miracles and apparitions. You’ll see and hear for yourselves the hysteria from the crowds as they experience something that is supernatural. It’s chilling to see that lack of spiritual discernment as these people are accepting what they are seeing as something benevolent when, in my opinion, it is anything but.

In other words, it’s happening right here and now!!!

Fatima 2 is groundbreaking and the line up of experts and researchers create a film that exposes what, in my opinion, really happened on the moors of Fatima some 100 years ago. L. A.

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Get your tickets to what is going to be a GREAT conference early!!!!

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