The Deep States Managed Agenda to take down TRUMP!

Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
The bogus investigation of the so-called Russian collusion continues. This is nothing more than a witch-hunt which never should have begun in the first place.
Enter former FBI director, James Comey who writes a “tell-all” book supposedly about a Higher Loyalty. The only higher loyalty Comey has—as Judge Jeanine Pero states—is to himself.
It was only two weeks ago that 60 minutes which has become, in my opinion, nothing more than a Soviet-style propaganda machine, spent almost half of their show interviewing Stormy Daniels who allegedly had an affair with Trump. Did anyone notice her dilated pupils? After the airing of the interview Trump’s approval numbers moved up not down!
Then you’ve got Maxine Watters repeatedly calling for Trump’s impeachment even before he took the oath of office. No agenda or bias there, right?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle which must be made of TEFLON, Hillary can do no wrong.
Frist off why is it that Huma Abedin travels everywhere with Hillary? I guess they just enjoy each others company over tea and crumpets? Why hasn’t the media gone after what seems to be something more?
We have Uranium 1, which actually is collusion with the Russians and the Republicans do nothing about it.
Then we have the FISA court memo, that led to Mueller’s being appointed as special counselors, which turns out to be completely concocted by the DNC.
Donna Brazille in her book states she is afraid for her life, why?
Seth Rich’s murder remains a mystery? Really?
Oh and Slick Willy discusses his grandkids with former attorney general Loretta Lynch on the tarmac, while his wife is being investigated by the DOJ! Are you kidding me????!!!???
If we put it all together what we see is an oligarchy that appears to be untouchable and above the law.
The Republican leadership has become an oxymoron. Jeff Sessions should step down. Paul Ryan should resign now. Mitch McConnell should take his millions and retire.  We need people in power who will represent the people and not their own interests.
WAKE UP America. Our country is being stolen from us by career politicians. EXECUTIVE ORDER #?: TERM LIMITS!!!!
To wrap it up with a nice little bow on a Monday morning. If they take down Trump either by impeachment or, God Forbid, by a lone gunman, we’re not going to buy it. I think there are enough Deplorables out there—and hopefully, some are reading this—who will say enough is enough.
We need a prosecutor who will go after the Clinton’s and expose the Deep State.
Tomorrow on Acceleration Radio I’ll bring back Matt Brunett who writes for our PP& S News Magazine. We will discuss what may be the overtly Satanic underpinnings to the Deep State with ties to child sex trafficking.

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