Fatima 2 – Strange Phenomenon is RELEASED!


We often hear the cry of “groundbreaking information,” when it comes to the release of new books or movies. It’s a bold claim.
However, when we went to Portugal last year I had no idea of what we would discover and now that our film is released I truly think the information is groundbreaking!
I had read Fina D’Aramada and Joaquim Fernandes’ books on Fatima and referenced them in my book—now 11 years old—Politcs, Prophecy & the Supernatural. I allowed Tom Horn and Cris Putnam to republish that chapter in their book, Exovaticana.
That being stated, I had done my homework in regard to Fatima.
However, I had no idea about the ancient Goddess worship that was part of Portugal’s past, nor did I understand that there were numerous so-called apparition sites all over the country. Portugal was steeped in the worship of the so-called sacred feminine.
There was the mysterious Fourth Witness that essentially no one knew about. Fina D’Armada had discovered her hand-written testimony when she had access to the 1917 original documents in 1978. The witness’s name was Carolina Carrera and she was only 12 years old when she encountered a being that communicated with her telepathically and then to her astonishment floated above the treetops!
Fina sought her out and found the woman who by this time was very old. She had been ignored for decades but we bring her story to life with the incredible CGI—computer generated imagery— from Wesley Sangiorgi. It’s like going back in time!
Other phenomena happened that day. Car windshields exploded, the hoods of automobiles flew open, gasoline spontaneously combusted! Some people soaked from the constant rain that had been falling for hours had their clothes dried when an object—that was not the sun—flew over them. Some had burn marks on their skin. Then there was the so-called angel hair that fell on the crowd.
All of the phenomena that I just stated can occur during a UFO event and has been reported in modernity.
However, perhaps the most groundbreaking information that we reveal in the film is this. First off, I had always wondered if there were photos of the so-called miracle of the sun. As we explored in our first film, it was not the sun that appeared over the crowd 100 years ago. It was something else. People reported seeing a dull, silver disc.
But what about the photos?  We discovered, through the work of Jose’ Machado, professor of semiotics, that photographer, Joshua Benoliel did, in fact, take 12 photos at Fatima. Jose explains in the film that four of these have “problems.” What he means is that there are objects that are intrinsic in original the glass plates that shouldn’t be there.
We show one of these photographs and analyze it in the film.
It is D -107 and it clearly shows a circular object that is hovering directly over the apparition site! Is this the smoking gun that points to a UFO event or what I have come to call a Harbinger of Deception?
So why should you care? I’ll tell you why!
Toward the end of the film, I assembled modern-day so-called sun miracles and apparitions. You’ll see and hear for yourselves the hysteria from the crowds as they experience something that is supernatural. It’s chilling to see that lack of spiritual discernment as these people are accepting what they are seeing as something benevolent when, in my opinion, it is anything but.

In other words, it’s happening right here and now!!!

Fatima 2 is groundbreaking and the line up of experts and researchers create a film that exposes what, in my opinion, really happened on the moors of Fatima some 100 years ago.

Go to: WWW.Thewatchmanchronicles.com

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