The Managed Agenda…

Commentary & Analaysis


L. A. Marzulli

Chuck Missler stated decades ago that we live in a managed agenda. Say it isn’t so. Watch the clip above and then pass the link on to your friends. It’s 1984 and we live in an Orwellian nightmare where we are told what to think.
Remember all of these talking heads are reading from a teleprompter they are not creating or researching any of the stories they are reporting on. They are reading from a script and from the video it appears they all have the same script.
The news—we can’t really call it that—is a controlled Soviet-style form of groupthink and propaganda. Those who use “the managed agenda” i.e. the Liberal media, and the Deep State, as well as Soros funded groups, seek to eliminate all conservative, voices.
They got Bill O’Reilly, one of the leading conservative voices on trumped-up sexual misconduct charges. Nothing was ever proven though but it didn’t matter. O’Reilly was given the heave-ho!
They’ve also gone after Sean Hannity but so far he’s been able to hold the dogs off.
However here’s where it’s going.
Laura Ingraham is now in the crosshairs for comments she made about a self-appointed spokesman for his generation, David Hogg. She stated that Hogg should stop whining about being rejected by four colleges.

Eight of the companies, TripAdvisor, Wayfair, Hulu, Nutrish, Johnson & Johnson, Nestle, Atlantis Paradise Island and Stitch Fix, said they were removing their ads. A ninth, Expedia, said it had recently pulled its advertising but declined to say when.
This kind of response is DRACONIAN!
So what do we do?
Every Sunday millions of Christians go to church. Years ago pastors informed their congregations of world events. They were part of the political process. They were part of a moral and supernatural “relay.” Today all of that is gone and you’ll be hard-pressed to hear a pastor weigh in on anything political.
This is what happened in Nazi Germany before WWII. Most of the pastors went silent and were afraid to stand up against Hitler’s policies. The failure to do so was catastrophic and indirectly led to the death of 6 million Jews in the Death-Camps. I would posit that the pastors failed to do their job.
Think about it. There was a nasty skirmish on the border of Gaza and Israel over the weekend. Did you hear about this in church? Did anyone pray for Israel?
The reality of UFOs is being reported on the MSM like FOX news and other outlets. Did you hear anything about it from the pulpit?
Damascus is almost completely destroyed. Are we looking at the fulfillment of Isaiah 17? Did your pastor show you this clip below?

Meanwhile, Laura Ingraham is in the crosshairs and “they” want her removed from her hour show on FOX. All because she called Hogg a whiner? Seriously?
The bottom line for me is this. Unless the pastors begin to stand up against the prevailing Orwellian nightmare that we find ourselves living in we will lose the Freedoms our forefathers fought so hard for.
More on this tomorrow as we’ve already surrendered our wallets!
Taxation with representation? Unbelievable! We are nothing more than modern-day serfs living in a managed agenda

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