Another UFO Disclosure Event!

Two pilots report seeing UFO in southern Arizona skies

“I don’t know what it was,” the pilot told Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center. “It wasn’t an airplane but it was … the path was going in the opposite direction.”
Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
I’ll make this post brief, which as many of you know is hard for me to do as I have a tendency to be verbose. LOL!
That being said. What we are seeing is an almost constant roll out of UFO disclosure. Reports of UFO sightings are happening almost on a weekly basis. Yet, the church and most people are ambivalent towards the reporting.
All I know is that it appears the powers-that-be i.e. The Deep State, the Shadow government are revealing th so-called extraterrestrial presence.

If you go back a few years or so you would see just the opposite. In fact, you would have professional debunkers appearing on TV telling Americans that what they were seeing in the skies was nothing more than swamp gas.
We are in a new era of disclosure and I personally don’t think it’s going away.
I discussed some of this last night on Acceleration Radio and I’ll post the show tomorrow at some point.
In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this.
UFOs are real, burgeoning and NOT going away. Deal with it!


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