We’re Hosed!

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

Congress OKs $1.3 trillion budget, averting another shutdown

“Shame, shame. A pox on both Houses – and parties,” tweeted Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who spent the afternoon tweeting details found in the 2,200-page bill that was released the night before. “No one has read it. Congress is broken.”


Term limits. Term limits. Term Limits.
Of course, this most likely won’t happen as Americans won’t rise up and demand financial solvency. We’ll just allow these idiots to spend us into oblivion.
Unless the American people get it together we are hosed. Can you imagine if the Democrats get control of the house or senate? You can kiss your pay-check goodbye. We will be nothing more than modern-day serfs… Oh wait, we’re already here!
All one need to do is to look at California, voted the worst state to live in out of all 50 states. Why? California has the HIGHEST taxes in the nation and has been run by liberal Democrats for decades. We’re toast in Cali and I wonder if it’s time to sell the house in the undisclosed location and get out of Dodge.
How can Congress pass a bill like this? How can these people who are elected by us sit in Congress and vote for a bill that over 2,000 pages long and pass it without reading it?
I honestly believe the Deep-State has one agenda and that is to break the back of the American people. Why? To usher in the New World Order. This is the reason for the gun-grab. This is why Google and YOUTUBE are the real fascists monitoring “free speech.” (By the way, our PPS on Venezuela was immediately de-monetized!)
You would think the pastors in our country would rally the people. That’s what used to happen 50 years ago. Sadly, the bully pulpit is gone.
Unless we rise up we’re hosed….
Term limits. Drain the swamp!!!



There are some really great speakers at this conference and you know what? You can see them all if you sign up for the live-streaming!
No planes, trains, and automobiles. No checking into Hotels. No sleepless nights in a strange hotel room! (welcome to my world!!! LOL!)
Now, through the miracle of modern science—and what will enslave the planet when the Antichrist shows up on the scene—you can see all of these great speakers from the comfort of your living room.
Hey Guys! Just think of the fun you’ll have eating your favorite snack while watching Russ Dizdar!
“Honey… Are the mini-weenies done yet?”
Any way. I’m sitting in the Atlanta airport and I’ve got some time on my hand so I thought I would give a shout-out to the conference.
I’ll be speaking on Saturday and I’ll be presenting three presentations!
I’ll do Fatima I&II. I’ll talk about the new film.
Then I’ll move to the DNA results.
Finally, I’ll talk about the ongoing UFO disclosure and the so-called EVENT as it is knowns in New Age Circles.

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