Hear the Wachmen Conference!


There are some really great speakers at this conference and you know what? You can see them all if you sign up for the live-streaming!
No planes, trains, and automobiles. No checking into Hotels. No sleepless nights in a strange hotel room! (welcome to my world!!! LOL!)
Now, through the miracle of modern science—and what will enslave the planet when the Antichrist shows up on the scene—you can see all of these great speakers from the comfort of your living room.
Hey Guys! Just think of the fun you’ll have eating your favorite snack while watching Russ Dizdar!
“Honey… Are the mini-weenies done yet?”
Any way. I’m sitting in the Atlanata airport and I’ve got some time on my hand so I thought I would give a shout-out to the conference.
I’ll be speaking on Saturday and I’ll be presenting three presentations!
I’ll do Fatima I&II. I’ll talk about the new film.
Then I’ll move to the DNA results.
Finally, I’ll talk about the ongoing UFO disclosure and the so-called EVENT as it is knowns in New Age Circles.

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