The Shooter and the Ideology of the Liberal Left

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

There are some liberals who want to confiscate all the guns in America, the way Australia did several years ago. Have they learned nothing from history? Hitler, Stalin, and Mao did this and the body count was in the millions.
Our second amendment is in place to protect us from a tyrannical government not so we can go duck hunting with a semi-automatic rifle.
All the legislation in the world can not stop a maniac with an AR-15, or a delivery truck, or a knife who wants to kill as many people as possible.
What we are seeing is a malaise that may be traced to two things. The first and most important is moral relativism. In other words, God has been taken out of our schools, sporting events, and award ceremonies. This has left a moral vacuum where there are no absolutes, no truth, no right or wrong.
The second is the growing use of social media which further isolates the individual and separates he or she from reality.
A third component is the shoot-em-up films that Hollywood turns out year and year, where the body count is uncountable!
We are in a much different America from the one where I grew up and we can’t go back in time. School shootings will continue unless we act. So here’s the answer.
Every teacher takes a firearms class. They become proficient with their sidearm and wear it at all times while in school. This will cause a “shooter” to think twice about attacking as when someone is armed and shooting back everything changes.
We can ring our hands and lament our situation but this is what needs to be done. Rounding up guns will only create more opportunities for maniacs to strike at soft targets.

Coming soon! 


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