Satanism is on the Rise! Ritual Sacrifice During the Blood Moon.

Eclipse 2018: Today’s blood moon to trigger SATANIC SEX RITUALS of human/animal sacrifice

During a recent full moon Satanic ritual one of the famous Dartmoor ponies was found in a circle of fire with its tongue, eyes and genitals mutilated and belly slit from end to end. The mutilations had been conducted while the pony was alive.

Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
Satanism has always existed but mostly underground. Alister Crowley is an example of an overt Satanist as is Anton LaVey who penned the Satanic Bible.
However, because of the decline of Christianity in the west and the non-spiritual/supernatural underpinnings of the modern church, young people are flocking to the occult and some are embracing the outright worship of the Fallen Cherub.
I’ve told this story before but I’ll re-tell it once again. Years ago I was Music Director at the Malibu Vineyard. I arrived one Sunday morning very early as was my custom and there, in the front of the church, was a pentagram with 4 candles burning that were placed around a slaughtered dove.
The church leadership laughed it off. A few weeks later the church erupted in one of the worst splits I had ever seen. The building was eventually purchased by the city and about 3000 people became great disillusioned.
Our young people are being sucked into the occult and Satanism because of the power they receive.  However, this “power” comes with a price and that is the person’s soul.
The solution is to allow the Spirit of the Living God back in our churches. Until we do this we will have a form of religion but deny its power. (Jesus words not mine) In the meantime put on your armor and get prayed up.
Pray for your town or city as tonight the witches and warlocks will dance to the devils that they worship.
End times? You bet…


Marsha’s News Links!     Connecting the dots on corruption/Comey, etc.       Another medium like NPR/PBS trying to brainwash people without giving balance to all the facts…the irony is Netflix has made its money in a capitalistic economy.  What does Netflix want Marxism Totalitarianism?  How stupid can one be?
This last one is deeply disturbing

Special guest:

Archaeologist Mondo Gonzales will discuss the upcoming DNA conference!

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