Jordan’s king tells Pence U.S. must rebuild trust after Jerusalem decision.
AMMAN (Reuters) – Jordan’s King Abdullah told U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday he looked to Washington to rebuild “trust and confidence” in moving toward a two-state solution in Israel after President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the country’s capital.
Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
The charade continues. In spite of what King Abdullah states in this article, Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran. Jerusalem is mentioned hundreds of times in the Torah! It was and always will be the capital of Israel.
I have a small reproduction of a pamphlet from the 1920’s penned by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who stated the Temple Mount is a Jewish edifice.
The two-state solution is bogus. It will never work and just last week Mahmoud Abbas showed his true colors when he said this:
“Israel is a colonial project with no connection whatsoever to the Jews,” claimed Abbas.
This is the kind of vitriol and true intentions that lay just underneath the surface of the supposed détente. The Muslims will never recognize the state of Israel. HAMAS and Hezbollah will never recognize Israel. So there is an impasse.
Here’s how Netanyahu responded:
On Monday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a video message in Hebrew responding to Abbas’ address, saying that the PA leader had revealed his true colors, and exposed his fundamental opposition to Jewish statehood, which he called the “root of the conflict”.
“I heard what Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] said. He has revealed the truth. He has torn off the mask and shown to the public the simple truth that I have been working to instill for many long years: The root of the conflict between us and the Palestinians is their steadfast refusal to recognize the Jewish state in any borders whatsoever.”
The current political landscape is in direct correlation to supernatural events that happened, in some cases, thousands of years ago.
What we are seeing is an ancient conflict between the two sons of Abraham, Issac, and Ishmael. We are seeing the clash of two sets of supernatural events, set in motion by Moses and then much later, Mohamed. These supernatural events have colored the body politic of the Muslim world and Israel.
This tension was written about prophetically and we are seeing it played out in modernity.
Scripture warns us that Jerusalem will be a rock of stumbling/offense to all the nations.
Are we living in the time where this is applicable? I would say yes.
Here’s a clip from the elections in Egypt. I’ve posted it before but will do so again as every American should see the real face of Islam, and their hatred of the Jews and Israel.
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