L. A. Appears on Coast to Coast Saturday Night with Jimmy Church!

Follow this link to sign up! http://ppsreport.com/dna-press-conference/
We’re offering live streaming of our sold-out press conference! I think this is game-changing information! You can live stream as we break the news about the DNA results from the Paracas skulls.
Live Streaming is available for $9.99


It’s taken our team almost five years to get the DNA results. I want to make it very clear that there are no conclusions at this point. While some are calling the elongated skulls, Nephilim, I’m not making that claim… as of yet.
We started our investigation with a hypothesis which is that 3500 years ago when Joshua and Caleb were prosecuting the war in the Promised land. The “entities” that were there fled. Some, went north into Europe. Others built boats and sailed across the Atlantic making their way to the new world.
What we find interesting about the Paracas people is that their sudden appearance fits the timeline. Then there are the morphological differences between these skulls and a “normal” homo-sapien.
More testing needs to be done and the purpose of the press conference is to present our findings so far and try to raise the money we need to conduct a formal archaeological dig at the Chongos Necropolis where we think the original people who arrived in Peru 3500 years are buried.
As of yet, we have not been able to obtain nuclear DNA. However, we were able to get Mitochondrial DNA and the results are very interesting. This data combined with our Anthropologists, Rick Woodward’s work on the skulls, as well as Dr. Michael Alday and Dr. Malcolm Warren, is bolstering the validity of our hypothesis.


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Acceleration Radio! 1-16-18

Abductions are real! L. A.  relates 4 accounts of people who have been abducted and had missing time.  Then a SKYPE interview with Al Matthews.
Get the film that has the answers to the UFO phenomenon!




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