Trump’s Remarks…About Haiti

Commentary & Analysis by L. A. Marzulli

I can only imagine the blow-back I’ll get from this!
The media has a hissy fit over Trump allegedly calling some third-world country’s a S… hole.  What hypocrites! 
There’s an old W.C. Fields quote that goes something like this. “First prize one week vacation in Philadelphia. Second prize… two weeks vacation in Philadelphia.
So here’s how we clear up the matter and we do this very quickly.
We go to all the members of the media and we give them a choice. They can spend a week in Haiti or they can spend a week in Norway. Duh. I wonder which they would choose.
Of course, if I state this it is deemed a “racist” remark. Meanwhile, the fact of the matter is this. Haiti is a very poor undeveloped country. Take a good look at the pictures above. They are a study in contrast. Which one would you choose to vacation in?
There are many countries on this planet and not all of them are as prosperous as ours.
Another cogent point which the media seems to have forgotten is this. As an independent country, we should have the right to choose who comes to our country. END OF STORY!


Marsha’s News Round-up       Deep State murder inc.  Read comments/this is good
Don’t forget JFK and what they did to him.

“Should this come to pass, the deep state would quickly understand the logic behind the Second Amendment.”
“Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar. As the Will of God is in Heaven, even so let it be.”
Sustainability is code for global marxism

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