Sunday Bun

The Sunday Bun


L. A. Marzulli

I stated that we are holding a press conference on February 2nd to reveal our DNA research on the enigmatic Paracas Skulls. Our team is going to present our findings and people will be able to see the data for themselves.
Let me state right up front that our hypothesis has always been that the enigmatic Paracas people may have come from the Middle East. I would also state we are wondering if there may be a connection to the Nephilim tribes found in the Promised Land that Joshua and Caleb warred against.
However, no one is stating that these elongated skulls are the remnants of the Nephilim. We simply do not know at this point. The data is interesting and frankly, it raises more questions than answers.
That’s why our team is On the Trail! The data and the science will speak for itself. In the meantime, we are filming the press conference and it will be up on VIMEO as soon as possible. We will also be creating a DVD for purchase. The proceeds from the VIMEO sales will go back into the DNA fund for further research. More updates soon….

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