Rungs of Disclosure

Rungs of Disclosure

Following the Trail of
Extraterrestrials and
the End Times

Only $21.99
"This might be the most important
book I've ever penned"
Dr. L.A. Marzulli
***How to Navigate This Site:***
  1. Disclosure Rungs: Access the 17 “rungs” of disclosure and related videos.
  2. Start Here: Watch my Prophecy Watchers Conference presentation for an overview of all the rungs.
  3. Resources & References: Find live links to all book footnotes.
  4. UFO Updates: View the latest updates from my undisclosed location in the Santa Monica Mountains.
  5. Share Your Story: Have a UFO video or story? Email me at
Prophecy Watchers
Conference presentation

Is this the coming Great Deception?

By the end of this book, I will reveal the truth about extraterrestrial presences on earth—that they are real, burgeoning, and not going away. You will come to an understanding of what the biblical perspective on the UFO/UAP phenomenon is and is not.

Why Get This Book?

1) I will reveal the truth about extraterrestrial presences on earth—that they are real, burgeoning, and not going away.

2) You will come to an understanding of what the biblical perspective on the UFO/UAP phenomenon is and is not.

3) You’ll hear from people of great faith and deep religious belief who continue to have these strange and deeply unsettling encounters.

Only $21.99

Brief Summary

They’ve been here for thousands of years, making their presence known in the shadows. They might be seen by a lonely motorist on a deserted road late at night, or by a frightened and confused husband in the bedroom he is sharing with his wife, as he realizes he has had hours of missing time. Perhaps the most disconcerting part of this phenomenon boils down to this question: Has the government been aware of their presence all along and is covertly working with them toward some secret end?

In Rungs of Disclosure, what once was fringe is now reality! While reading, you’ll meet regular people—just like you—who have encountered something beyond their ability to explain. You’ll also hear from people of great faith and deep religious belief who continue to have these strange and deeply unsettling encounters.

L.A. Marzulli explores these ongoing incidents to discover the answers to the questions:

  1. Who are “they”?
  2. What do they want?
  3. And why are they here?
  4. Can you handle the truth? Read this book—if you dare.

Only $21.99

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What others are saying

"L.A. Marzulli bridges the gaps between late-night con- spiratorial musings, ancient biblical teaching, and the astonishing evidence our governments have denied for years. With this evidence now confirmed by military experts and some of the intelligence community’s most credible individuals, Rungs of Disclosure takes the reader on a riveting journey and exposes the nefarious plan revealed thousands of years ago in the pages of Scripture."
Mark Conn, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Liberty University
"A tireless researcher, anointed speaker, and gifted author, L. A. Marzulli has steered at the helm of UFO research for decades, and the veracity and logic of his books were instrumental in my initial conversion to Jesus. He answered questions the church was not willing to answer. Despite opposition—and sometimes outright anger— from secular and religious folks alike, as well as imitation from others in his field of research, L.A. has continued to educate people on the satanic UFO agenda, shining a light and drawing attention to the imminent return of our King. Rungs of Disclosure is the magnum opus of a lifetime’s worth of dedication, research, and passion."
Matthew Fisher
Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel Stroudsburg Sciota, Pennsylvania
"The world is fascinated with the supernatural, the occult, and events that cannot be naturally explained. We are living in perilous times of great deception. Can we trust what we see? Are the words of the secular experts true? Does anyone have the ability to challenge the conventional wisdom of the media? Yes! There is a man, and his name is Dr. L.A. Marzulli. With many years of experience and research, he has unmasked the enemy and revealed the truth. Dr. Marzulli is the real deal, and this book is a game changer."
Larry Ollison, PhD
Larry Ollison Ministries
"L.A. Marzulli has knocked it out of the park in this all-too-important release. In an increasingly darkening world searching for answers, Marzulli has provided a guiding light. Every Christian needs this book!"
Josh Peck
Award-winning Filmmaker and Author
"L.A. never fails to deliver. Rungs of Disclosure is insightful, eye-opening, and riveting—a deep dive into the fascinating and prophetic events happening all around us in these last days. I could not put it down."
Dan Plourde
Pastor, Calvary Church Jupiter, Florida
"Dr. L.A. Marzulli has been on the cutting edge of UFO research for decades. His research in this field is extremely thorough, and the way he connects this burgeoning phenomena with biblical prophecy sets him apart from the rest. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in what may take place in the not-too-distant future."
Bill Salus, DLitt
Founder, Prophecy Depot Ministries

Only $21.99

When someone says the word, “ET,” the first thing that will most likely come to mind is the 1982 sci-fi film, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. The main character of the film is an ugly-cute wrinkly monster, who only says, “ET.” However, what if these fantasy-like creatures exist—and what if they’re not as friendly as you were taught to believe?

In Rungs of Disclosure, Dr. L.A. Marzulli presents his decades-long UFO/UAP research and ties it to Biblical End Times

Only $21.99

Copyright 2024. Spiral of Life Productions. An L.A. Marzulli Film. All rights reserved.