By the end of this book, I will reveal the truth about extraterrestrial presences on earth—that they are real, burgeoning, and not going away. You will come to an understanding of what the biblical perspective on the UFO/UAP phenomenon is and is not.
1) I will reveal the truth about extraterrestrial presences on earth—that they are real, burgeoning, and not going away.
2) You will come to an understanding of what the biblical perspective on the UFO/UAP phenomenon is and is not.
3) You’ll hear from people of great faith and deep religious belief who continue to have these strange and deeply unsettling encounters.
They’ve been here for thousands of years, making their presence known in the shadows. They might be seen by a lonely motorist on a deserted road late at night, or by a frightened and confused husband in the bedroom he is sharing with his wife, as he realizes he has had hours of missing time. Perhaps the most disconcerting part of this phenomenon boils down to this question: Has the government been aware of their presence all along and is covertly working with them toward some secret end?
In Rungs of Disclosure, what once was fringe is now reality! While reading, you’ll meet regular people—just like you—who have encountered something beyond their ability to explain. You’ll also hear from people of great faith and deep religious belief who continue to have these strange and deeply unsettling encounters.
L.A. Marzulli explores these ongoing incidents to discover the answers to the questions:
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When someone says the word, “ET,” the first thing that will most likely come to mind is the 1982 sci-fi film, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. The main character of the film is an ugly-cute wrinkly monster, who only says, “ET.” However, what if these fantasy-like creatures exist—and what if they’re not as friendly as you were taught to believe?
In Rungs of Disclosure, Dr. L.A. Marzulli presents his decades-long UFO/UAP research and ties it to Biblical End Times
Copyright 2024. Spiral of Life Productions. An L.A. Marzulli Film. All rights reserved.