Month: June 2019

Acceleration Radio May 23, 2019

L. A. discusses the ongoing abortion issue. He then reads feedback from last weeks interview with Al Matthews regarding UFOs.

UFO Update! Al Matthews

Acceleration Radio May 16th, 2019 Al Matthews gives and exclusive interview about how he stopped his abductions. His information peels back the deception and mystery

Where Are the Republicans?

Commentary and Analysis by L. A. Marzulli #STANDUP! Where are the Republicans and why aren’t they standing behind our president?  Why aren’t they collectively saying

They Are Here – Guest Blogger!

They Are Here! By Charles Sasser on June 2, 2019 at 4:40 pm Posted In: My Life, What I Think The Pilot of a Navy heavy attack

Disclosure Has Ramped Up!

Commentary & Analysis by L. A. Marzulli #UFODISCLOSURE Last night on Tucker Carlson the ongoing UFO disclosure was “ramped up” to a new level. Tucker